jquery - How to retain the dropdown values after selection -

the below code set select 2 dropdown values on page, works fine, however, since page refreshed when 1st dropdown selected, dropdpwn values not retained.

how retain dropdown values ?

$(document).ready(function() {   $('.boxy').hide();   var drop1value = '';   var drop2value = '';   var cntys = geturlvars()['cntry'];   var pis = geturlvars()['pi'];   $("#drop1").on("change", function() {     var drop1value = $('#drop1').val();      if (drop1value == "") {       $('#content').hide();     } else {       drop1value = $('#drop1').val();     }      var burl = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + '?cntry=' + drop1value + '&pi=' + pis;     window.location.href = burl;   });    $("#drop2").on("change", function() {     var drop2value = $('#drop2').val();      if (drop2value == "") {       $('#content').hide();     } else {       drop2value = $('#drop2').val();     }      var burl = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + '?cntry=' + cntys + '&pi=' + drop2value;     window.location.href = burl;   }); });  function geturlvars() {   var vars = [],     hash;   var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexof('?') + 1).split('&');   (var = 0; < hashes.length; i++) {     hash = hashes[i].split('=');     vars.push(hash[0]);     vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];   }   return vars; } 

jquery supports method chaining. can utilize set value this:

$('myselector').on('...', function () {}).val(myvalue) 

in case, correct code:

$(document).ready(function() {   $('.boxy').hide();   var drop1value = '';   var drop2value = '';   var cntys = geturlvars()['cntry'];   var pis = geturlvars()['pi'];   $("#drop1").on("change", function() {     var drop1value = $('#drop1').val();      if (drop1value == "") {       $('#content').hide();     } else {       drop1value = $('#drop1').val();     }      var burl = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + '?cntry=' + drop1value + '&pi=' + pis;     window.location.href = burl;   }).children('[value="'+cntys+'"]').prop('selected', true);    $("#drop2").on("change", function() {     var drop2value = $('#drop2').val();      if (drop2value == "") {       $('#content').hide();     } else {       drop2value = $('#drop2').val();     }      var burl = document.location.origin + document.location.pathname + '?cntry=' + cntys + '&pi=' + drop2value;     window.location.href = burl;   }).children('[value="'+pis+'"]').prop('selected', true); });  function geturlvars() {   var vars = [],     hash;   var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexof('?') + 1).split('&');   (var = 0; < hashes.length; i++) {     hash = hashes[i].split('=');     vars.push(hash[0]);     vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];   }   return vars; } 


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