c# - what is difference between HttpCacheability.NoCache and HttpCacheability.ServerAndNoCache? -

what difference between

  • httpcacheability.nocache
  • httpcacheability.server
  • httpcacheability.public
  • httpcacheability.private
  • httpcacheability.serverandnocache

at condition should use one?

from msdn

  • nocache :

    sets cache-control: no-cache header. without field name, directive applies entire request , shared (proxy server) cache must force successful revalidation origin web server before satisfying request. field name, directive applies named field; rest of response may supplied shared cache.

  • private

    default value. sets cache-control: private specify response cacheable on client , not shared (proxy server) caches.

  • public

    sets cache-control: public specify response cacheable clients , shared (proxy) caches.

  • server

    specifies response cached @ origin server. similar nocache option. clients receive cache-control: no-cache directive document cached on origin server. equivalent serverandnocache.

  • serverandnocache

    applies settings of both server , nocache indicate content cached @ server others explicitly denied ability cache response.

  • serverandprivate

    indicates response cached @ server , @ client else. proxy servers not allowed cache response.


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