c# - How to invoke a .Net method with unsigned integer argument from IronPython -
the method in csharp have 2 variants
public class mmsvalue { public mmsvalue (int value) { valuereference = mmsvalue_newintegerfromint32 (value); } public mmsvalue (uint32 value) { valuereference = mmsvalue_newunsignedfromuint32(value); }
when call ironpython, invokes mmsvalue(int value)
. there way call mmsvalue(uint32 value)
taken ironpython documentation: http://ironpython.net/documentation/dotnet/
if want control exact overload gets called, can use overloads method on method objects:
import clr clr.addreference('classlibrary1') classlibrary1 import mmsvalue system import uint32 uint32_mmsvalue = mmsvalue.__new__.overloads[uint32](mmsvalue, 1)
this create instance of mmsvalue using uint32 constructor.
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