javascript - Stop app from crashing when submitting order with empty EditText -

i have started learn programming , writing coffee ordering app. have "price" field enter basic price cup of coffee , other options. right if click "order" button when price field empty app crashes. tried add line of code question possible have both default value , hint in edittext. here bit of code of method calculates price, check boxes check boxes toppings on coffee , function well:

// calculates price private int calculateprice(int quantity) {     // price per cup in field     edittext pricepercupf = (edittext) findviewbyid(;     boolean whippedchecked = ((checkbox) findviewbyid(;     boolean chocolatechecked = ((checkbox) findviewbyid(;     int pricepercup = integer.parseint(pricepercupf.gettext().tostring());     if (whippedchecked) {         pricepercup += 1;     }     if (chocolatechecked) {         pricepercup += 1;     }     if (pricepercupf.gettext().tostring().equals("")) {         return 0;     }     else {          int price = pricepercup * quantity;         return price;     } 



 if (pricepercupf.gettext().tostring().equals("")) {         return 0;  } 


 int pricepercup = integer.parseint(pricepercupf.gettext().tostring()); 

this way exit function before parsing / casting error can appear if field empty.


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