r - RenderPlot returns invisible plot on my local machine, but it is visible on other machines -
obligatory "i'm new r/shiny". in process of building app queries database, , returns plot of data retrieved. here generalised code being used return plot:
library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library("rodbc") library(ggplot2) ui <- mainpanel(fluidpage( tabsetpanel( tabpanel("plot", plotoutput("plot1")) ) )) server <- function(input, output,session) { db <- odbcconnect(dsn="db", uid = "username", pwd = "password",believenrows=false ) plotquerytxt = paste("select * mytable") mydata <- sqlquery(db, plotquerytxt ) odbcclose(db) output$plot1 <- renderplot({ggplot(mydata,aes(column1,column2))+ geom_point()}) } shinyapp(ui, server)
the issue here that, on personal machine, plot rendered invisible. when app run on other machines, or on remote server, plot can seen. question is: what causing plot visible on 1 machine, , not on another? issue graphics card, or along lines?
i have checked r packages date, don't think that's issue.
any suggestions appreciated!
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