node.js - On Gitbash - Bower : ENOGIT git is not installed or not in the PATH -

i have project bower.json file , im trying load it's bower libraries on windows. turn on gitbash, cd project directory , type in bower install / bower update. receive error:

bower enogit        git not installed or not in path 

but there path git:

$ git /bin/git 

so wierd thing works in cmd on windows, but doesnt work gitbash. value have in system path env variable regarding git:

c:\program files (x86)\develop\vcs\git\cmd 

i tried re-install msysgit , chose option: run git windows command prompt so:

enter image description here

it still doesnt seem work..

bower version:

$ bower --version 1.4.1 

git version:

$ git --version git version 1.9.5.msysgit.1 
  • bower installed globally using npm

edit: found cause of issue: have file in profile home directory .bashrc use in order define general aliases , on , added line:

export path="~/appdata/roaming/composer/vendor/bin":$path 

and somehow when line present receive error in gitbash, wierd though, add path global composer packages, has git or bower?

check solution posted saurabhkohli in this github issue:

[u]pdating path environment variable current installed location of git in system resolve issue, or can update same in nodejs command prompt using "set path=%path%;c:\program files\git\bin;"


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