java - How can I do to update a row like a pro? -

    package gestionoutilbricolage;     import java.sql.*;     import javax.swing.table.defaulttablemodel;      import javax.swing.jtable;      public class fenetrelisteoutil extends javax.swing.jframe {     string outil;     statement stmta;         statement stmt;     statement stmtlisteoutil;     connexion maconnexion = new connexion();      public fenetrelisteoutil() {              initcomponents();              defaulttablemodel model = new defaulttablemodel();              model.addcolumn("nom de l' outil");              model.addcolumn("fabricant");             model.addcolumn("annee de fabrication");             model.addcolumn("prix");              string  requetelisteoutil = "select *from outil";              try{             stmtlisteoutil=maconnexion.obtenirconnexion().createstatement();             resultset resultat = stmtlisteoutil.executequery(requetelisteoutil);             while({             model.addrow (new object[] {resultat.getstring("nom_outil"),resultat.getstring("fabricant_outil"),resultat.getstring("annee_fabrication"),resultat.getstring("prix_outil")});             }             }             catch(sqlexception ex){             system.out.println(ex);             }             tableoutil.setmodel(model);             }             private void jbutton1actionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                      string sql = "delete  `outil` nom_outil='outil b'";             try{             stmt=maconnexion.obtenirconnexion().createstatement();             stmt.executeupdate(sql);             }                 catch(sqlexception ex){             system.err.println(ex);             }                 }               private void jbutton2actionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                                      int ligneselectionne = jtable.getselectedrow();              string outil = jtable.getvalueat(ligneselectionne, 0);               stmt=maconnexion.obtenirconnexion().createstatement();            string wql = "update outil set nom_outil=outil a";             stmt.setstring(1, outil);             stmt.executeupdate(wql);            }                                 public static void main(string args[]) {              try {                 (javax.swing.uimanager.lookandfeelinfo info : javax.swing.uimanager.getinstalledlookandfeels()) {                     if ("nimbus".equals(info.getname())) {                         javax.swing.uimanager.setlookandfeel(info.getclassname());                         break;                     }                 }             } catch (classnotfoundexception ex) {                 java.util.logging.logger.getlogger(fenetrelisteoutil.class.getname()).log(java.util.logging.level.severe, null, ex);             } catch (instantiationexception ex) {                 java.util.logging.logger.getlogger(fenetrelisteoutil.class.getname()).log(java.util.logging.level.severe, null, ex);             } catch (illegalaccessexception ex) {                 java.util.logging.logger.getlogger(fenetrelisteoutil.class.getname()).log(java.util.logging.level.severe, null, ex);             } catch (javax.swing.unsupportedlookandfeelexception ex) {                 java.util.logging.logger.getlogger(fenetrelisteoutil.class.getname()).log(java.util.logging.level.severe, null, ex);             }             java.awt.eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() {             public void run() {             new fenetrelisteoutil().setvisible(true);             }             });             }             // variables declaration - not modify                                  private javax.swing.jtable tableoutil;             private javax.swing.jbutton jbutton1;             private javax.swing.jbutton jbutton2;             private javax.swing.jlabel jlabel1;             private javax.swing.jscrollpane jscrollpane1; 

i want know if there way without being obliged every time go rêquête change parameter. how make professionals in computing in application select line of table mouse press on button update , update right now.

my update code has errors. errors are:

setstring cannot find symbol, non static method getselectedrow() can not referenced static context, non static method getvalue() can not referenced static context. 

my new code after tips:

private void jbutton2actionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) {                                          // todo add handling code here:   int ligneselectionne = tableoutil.getselectedrow();  string outil = tableoutil.getvalueat(ligneselectionne, 0);    preparedstatement stmt = null; string wql = "update outil set nom_outil = ? nom_outil = ?"; try {     maconnexion.setautocommit(false);     stmt = maconnexion.preparestatement(wql);     stmt.setstring(1, "outil a");     stmt.setstring(2, "outil avant");     stmt.executeupdate();     maconnexion.commit();     } catch (sqlexception e ) {       jdbctutorialutilities.printsqlexception(e);         if (maconnexion != null) {             try {                 system.err.print("transaction being rolled back");                 maconnexion.rollback();             } catch(sqlexception excep) {                 jdbctutorialutilities.printsqlexception(excep);             }         }     } {         if (stmt != null) {             stmt.close();         }      maconnexion.setautocommit(true);     }   }     

setautocommit, commit, jdbctutorialutilities, rollback cannot find symbol.

i have difficult apply answer because novice in sql , java use video make application

variable names should not start upper case character. "tableoutil" should "tableoutil". notice how variable highlighted differently in posted code. because upper case characters used "class names".

int ligneselectionne = jtable.getselectedrow();  string outil = jtable.getvalueat(ligneselectionne, 0);   

you referencing "jtable" class. want reference instance of class created:

int ligneselectionne = tableoutil.getselectedrow();  string outil = tableoutil.getvalueat(ligneselectionne, 0);   


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