Excel vba can't find date when entered by user -
i'm still new vba , code worked earlier today reason stopped finding date in selected column if present. i'm reading through each row , looking 2 criteria (1. date migration, 2. network). once done, copy rows depending on criteria separate worksheets , consequently save them later on. problem despite date enter, doesn't find anymore - , make sure enter in dd/mm/yyyy format that's underlying format. despite put it boots me err_execute.
here kind of data i'm working with:
- cola pcname (i.e. john's machine)
- colb user name (i.e. john doe)
- colc devicetype (i.e. laptop)
- cold network (i.e. jody's network)
- cole migration wave (i.e. 1st wave)
- colf top user of device
- colg last person login
- colh location of device
- coli migration date (looked in workbook still formula) colj user's email
- colk sr#
- coll migration date (copied value instead of formula)
sub test() dim lsearchrow integer dim lcopytorow1 integer dim lcopytorow2 integer dim lsearchvalue string on error goto err_execute sheets("confirmed devices").activate range("i2:i10000").select selection.copy range("l2:l10000").pastespecial xlpastevalues sheets.add.name = "jody" sheets.add.name = "jason" lsearchvalue = inputbox("which migration date wish prepare files for?", "the format has dd/mm/yyyy.") lsearchrow = 2 lcopytorow1 = 1 lcopytorow2 = 1 while len(range("a" & cstr(lsearhrow)).value) > 0 if range("l" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = lsearchvalue , range("d" & cstr (lsearchrow)).value = "jody's network" rows(cstr(lsearchrow) & ":" & cstr(lsearchrow)).select selection.copy sheets("jody").select rows(cstr(lcopytorow1) & ":" & cstr(lcopytorow1)).select sheets("jody").paste lcopytorow1 = lcopytorow1 + 1 sheets("confirmed devices").select end if if range("l" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = lsearchvalue , range("d" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = "jason" rows(cstr(lsearchrow) & ":" & cstr(lsearchrow)).select selection.copy sheets("jason").select rows(cstr(lcopytorow2) & ":" & cstr(lcopytorow2)).select sheets("jason").paste lcopytorow2 = lcopytorow2 + 1 sheets("confirmed devices").select end if lsearchrow = lsearchrow + 1 wend 'msgbox "all matching data has been copied." exit sub err_execute: msgbox "that date not found."`
any in finding out why doesn't find date anymore appreciated.
the error handeler isn't working though, despite value put input (lsearchvalue), still msg data has been copied. other fixing typo, changed code little bit in hopes of getting error handeler work. able help? there perhaps better way deal value can't found in 'l' column?
sub test() application.screenupdating = false application.displayalerts = false dim lsearchrow integer dim lcopytorow1 integer dim lcopytorow2 integer dim lsearchvalue string dim fname1 string dim fname2 string dim fpath string dim newbook1 workbook dim newbook2 workbook sheets("confirmed devices").activate range("i2:i10000").select selection.copy range("l2:l10000").pastespecial xlpastevalues on error goto err_execute lsearchvalue = inputbox("which migration date wish prepare files for?", "the format has dd/mm/yyyy.") lsearchrow = 2 lcopytorow1 = 1 lcopytorow2 = 1 sheets.add.name = "jodi" sheets.add.name = "jason" while len(range("a" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value) > 0 if range("l" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = lsearchvalue , range("d" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = "jodi’s network” rows(cstr(lsearchrow) & ":" & cstr(lsearchrow)).select selection.copy sheets("jodi").select rows(cstr(lcopytorow1) & ":" & cstr(lcopytorow1)).select sheets("jodi").paste lcopytorow1 = lcopytorow1 + 1 sheets("confirmed devices").select elseif range("l" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = lsearchvalue , range("d" & cstr(lsearchrow)).value = "jason’s network" rows(cstr(lsearchrow) & ":" & cstr(lsearchrow)).select selection.copy sheets("jason").select rows(cstr(lcopytorow2) & ":" & cstr(lcopytorow2)).select sheets("jason").paste lcopytorow2 = lcopytorow2 + 1 sheets("confirmed devices").select end if lsearchrow = lsearchrow + 1 wend msgbox "all matching data has been copied." exit sub err_execute: msgbox "there no migrations date" end sub
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