How to retrieve more than 100000 rows from Redshift using R and dplyr -

i'm analyzing data redshift database, working in r using connection per dplyr - works:

my_db<-src_postgres(host='', port='5439', dbname='dev',user='me', password='mypw') mytable <- tbl(my_db, "mytable")  viewstation<-mytable %>%     filter(stationname=="something")  

when try turn output data frame, so:


i error message, warning message:

only first 100,000 results retrieved. use n = -1 retrieve all.  

where supposed set n?

instead of using



thisdata <- collect(viewstation) 

collect() pull data database r. mentioned in dplyr::databases vignette:

when working databases, dplyr tries lazy possible. it’s lazy in 2 ways:

it never pulls data r unless explicitly ask it.

it delays doing work until last possible minute, collecting want sending database in 1 step.


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