chart.js - How could I skip drawing empty/zero value and its value on tooltip -

i want skip points zero value on line chart of chartjs.

how ?

expected result


    :labels => [     [ 0] "10/01 (thu)",     [ 1] "10/02 (fri)",     [ 2] "10/03 (sat)",     [ 3] "10/04 (sun)",     [ 4] "10/05 (mon)",     [ 5] "10/06 (tue)",     [ 6] "10/07 (wed)",     [ 7] "10/08 (thu)",     [ 8] "10/09 (fri)",     [ 9] "10/10 (sat)",     [10] "10/11 (sun)",     [11] "10/12 (mon)",     [12] "10/13 (tue)",     [13] "10/14 (wed)",     [14] "10/15 (thu)",     [15] "10/16 (fri)",     [16] "10/17 (sat)",     [17] "10/18 (sun)",     [18] "10/19 (mon)",     [19] "10/20 (tue)",     [20] "10/21 (wed)",     [21] "10/22 (thu)",     [22] "10/23 (fri)",     [23] "10/24 (sat)",     [24] "10/25 (sun)",     [25] "10/26 (mon)",     [26] "10/27 (tue)",     [27] "10/28 (wed)",     [28] "10/29 (thu)",     [29] "10/30 (fri)",     [30] "10/31 (sat)",     [31] "11/01 (sun)" ]  {            :label => "sample1(14:35)",         :data => [             [ 0] 5098.0,             [ 1] 5098.0,             [ 2] 5098.0,             [ 3] 3898.0,             [ 4] 4498.0,             [ 5] 0,             [ 6] 5898.0,             [ 7] 5898.0,             [ 8] 6698.0,             [ 9] 6698.0,             [10] 3898.0,             [11] 4498.0,             [12] 4498.0,             [13] 4498.0,             [14] 5898.0,             [15] 7698.0,             [16] 5098.0,             [17] 4498.0,             [18] 5898.0,             [19] 3398.0,             [20] 3398.0,             [21] 3898.0,             [22] 3398.0,             [23] 3898.0,             [24] 0,             [25] 0,             [26] 0,             [27] 0,             [28] 0,             [29] 0,             [30] 0,             [31] 0         ],             :label => "sample1(14:35)",         :data => [             [ 0] 5098.0,             [ 1] 5098.0,             [ 2] 5098.0,             [ 3] 3898.0,             [ 4] 4498.0,             [ 5] 6698.0,             [ 6] 5898.0,             [ 7] 0,             [ 8] 0,             [ 9] 0,             [10] 3898.0,             [11] 4498.0,             [12] 4498.0,             [13] 4498.0,             [14] 5898.0,             [15] 7698.0,             [16] 5098.0,             [17] 4498.0,             [18] 5898.0,             [19] 3398.0,             [20] 3398.0,             [21] 3898.0,             [22] 3398.0,             [23] 3898.0,             [24] 0,             [25] 0,             [26] 0,             [27] 0,             [28] 0,             [29] 0,             [30] 0,             [31] 0         ], 

you can use onanimationcomplete function disable points , tooltip display

var ctx = document.getelementbyid("mychart").getcontext("2d"); var mylinechart = new chart(ctx).line(data, {     animation: false,     onanimationcomplete: function () {         // prevents update triggering infinite loop         if (!this.clearcycle) {             this.clearcycle = true;              this.datasets.foreach(function (dataset) {                 dataset.points.foreach(function (point) {                     if (point.value === 0) {                         point.display = false;                         point.hasvalue = function () {                             return false;                         }                     }                 })             })              this.update();         }         else             delete this.clearcycle;     } }); 

fiddle -

if using animation, logic needs moved onanimationprogress , executed once, unless don't mind seeing dots while animation in progress.


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