javascript - triangle animation issue canvas flip rotation -

hello wanted know if can provide tips or direction on issue i'm having triangle animation. have partial animation not continuous, jitters @ end of animation. i'm looking advise how make full rotation. if can assist in how add multiple rotations amazing.

thank ..

<!doctype html> <html>  <head> <title>triangle animation team b</title>  </head>  <body>   <canvas id="canvas" width="900" height="600"></canvas>  <script>  function maketriangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); if (canvas.getcontext){     var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d');      var array = ['red','green', 'black'];     var color = array[math.floor(math.random() * 3)];      ctx.beginpath();     ctx.moveto(x1,y1);     ctx.lineto(x2,y2);     ctx.lineto(x3,y3);     ctx.lineto(x1,y1);     ctx.fillstyle = color;     ctx.fill();  } }  maketriangle('400','38','465','76','200','400');   var x = 200;  window.setinterval( function() { var context = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d'); context.clearrect(0, 0, 1000, 500, 0);  x++; if (x > 500) x = 300;  maketriangle('400','38',x,'76','400','200');     }, 20); </script> </body> </html>     


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