java - Convert String of type "2015-23-07T00:00:00Z" to XMLGregorianCalender of format "07/23/2015T00:00:00Z" -

i calling web service accepts date xmlgregoriancalendar of format "07/23/2015t00:00:00z" have database "2015-23-07t00:00:00z".

how convert string type of xmlgregoriancalender of type


since service hosted third party can't change schema , need implement conversion.

i tried this

date d = new date(); simpledateformat sdf1 = new simpledateformat("yyyy/mm/dd't'hh:mm:ss.sss'z'");                                                        string formatteddate1 = sdf1.format(d);                                                   date date = sdf1.parse(formatteddate1);                                                 gregoriancalendar gregoriancalendar; xmlgregoriancalendar result = null; gregoriancalendar = (gregoriancalendar)gregoriancalendar.getinstance(); gregoriancalendar.settime(date); result = datatypefactory.newinstance().newxmlgregoriancalendar(gregoriancalendar); 

java.text.dateformat outputformat =new java.text.simpledateformat("mm/dd/yyyy't'hh:mm:ss'z'"); java.text.dateformat outputformat1 =new java.text.simpledateformat("yyyy-dd-mm't'hh:mm:ss'z'"); system.out.println(outputformat.format(outputformat1.parse("2015-23-07t00:00:00z")));//07/23/2015t00:00:00z 


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