javascript - How to build this page use HTML? Thanks -

i have question don't know how solve. tried use fullcalendar plugin, failed.

bad, picture not uploaded!

here i've used in past when utilizing jquery full calendar plugin:

you need include both css , js files it:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fullcalendar-2.2.6.min.css" media="all"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/moment.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/fullcalendar-2.2.6.min.js"></script> 

then jquery:

$(function() {       $("#calendar").fullcalendar({         defaultdate: '', // can dynamically set highlight current day         eventlimit: true, // allows "more" link when many events in day         events: [             {                 title: 'all day event',                 start: '2015-07-01'             },             {                 title: 'long event',                 start: '2015-07-08',                 end: '2015-07-09'             },             {                 id: 999,                 title: 'repeating event',                 start: '2015-07-09t16:00:00'             },             {                 id: 999,                 title: 'repeating event',                 start: '2015-07-16t16:00:00'             },             {                 title: 'conference',                 start: '2015-07-12',                 end: '2015-07-13'             },             {                 title: 'meeting',                 start: '2015-07-12t10:30:00',                 end: '2015-07-12t12:30:00'             },             {                 title: 'lunch',                 start: '2015-07-12t12:00:00'             },             {                 title: 'meeting',                 start: '2015-07-12t14:30:00'             },             {                 title: 'happy hour',                 start: '2015-07-12t17:30:00'             },             {                 title: 'dinner',                 start: '2015-07-12t20:00:00'             },             {                 title: 'birthday party',                 start: '2015-07-13t07:00:00'             },             {                 title: 'click google',                 url: '',                 start: '2015-07-28'             }         ]     }); // end of calendar constructor }); // end of document.ready function 

then 1 html element needed calendar:

<div id="calendar"></div>


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