Codeigniter/PHP Send SES Email Via API -
i ask if of tried using ses send email using php? if know needed requirements accomplish this? because tried research on sending email via ses encountered solution using smtp. problem need have smtp username , password. given task send ses via api call. tried looking under amazon documentation can't find clear answer. anyways i'm doing task without given credential aws username password or aws access key. hard part since have limited resources on me why don't know start. of example requires access key or secret key of sort. don't have of this. don't have iam role credential. superior said access granted on iam role can use ses on server , need use api call this.
anyone has idea on how achieve on php? need guys. thanks
your superior needs create iam user specific permisions particular user able use ses account. iam user has api key , secret. credentials can use library plays hard ses api. say, seems suoerior has created iam user need keys , you'll go. maybe want him give sns access.
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