.htaccess: how to restrict access to specific images from my mobile site -
for mobile site want restrict access of images "lady bug.gif" "bluemoon.gif" etc. these images won't shown in http://m.mysite.org faster , less clutter mobile experience. how can this?
not working example:
rewriteengine on <files bluemoon.gif> order allow,deny deny </files>
i think better off internally rewriting small 1px image, rather blocking access. if block access (404, 403, etc) end errors in front end.
options +followsymlinks rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} =m.mysite.org rewriterule (lady\sbug|bluemoon)\.gif$ /images/mobile-placeholder.gif [l]
note if have spaces in filenames need replace these \s
in rewriterule
pattern (a regular expression) - above.
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