r - How to correct - selectizeInput getting displayed above the absolutePanel -

given below code used displaying selectizeinput , absolutepanel. selectizeinput not getting merged page background. displaying above absolutepanel. pls help


library(shinydashboard)   shinyui(     fluidpage(       dashboardpage(skin = c("blue"),                     dashboardheader(title = "r tools"                     ),                     ## sidebar content                     dashboardsidebar(                       sidebarmenu(                         menuitem("dashboard", tabname = "dashboard", icon = icon("dashboard")),                         menuitem("widgets", tabname = "widgets", icon = icon("th"))                       )                      ),                     dashboardbody(                                       box(                                         title = "tools", status = "primary", solidheader = true,                                         collapsible = true,width = 4,                                         uioutput("showtxttruevalue"),                                         uioutput("showddllalternate")                                       ),                                       absolutepanel(                                         bottom = 20, right = 60,top=200, width = "auto",                                         draggable = true,                                         wellpanel(                                         "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                                         aa")                                         ), style = "opacity: 0.9"                        )        )       )) 


library(shiny) library(ggplot2) library(googlevis)  shinyserver(function(input, output, session) {  output$showtxttruevalue <- renderui({  numericinput(inputid="txttruevalue", label="truevalue", value = 0) })   output$showddllalternate <- renderui({  selectizeinput("ddllalternate", "alternate:",c('unequal','less','greater'),   selected='<>')  })    }) 

the issue z-index css attribute of selectize 1, displayed above absolutepanel.

try adding first element of fluidpage change z-index 0:

tags$style(type="text/css", ".selectize-input{ z-index: 0; }") 

enter image description here


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