Using MySQL "NOT IN" but allowing for substrings -

i trying query rows not in set of rows. however, other set of rows may contain strings include strings first table.

i'm confusing myself trying explain i'll use following example tables:

mysql> describe tablea; +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | field      | type     | null | key | default | | +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | name       | char(40) | no   | pri |         |       |  +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+  mysql> describe tableb; +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | field      | type     | null | key | default | | +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | nametag    | char(40) | no   | pri |         |       |  +------------+----------+------+-----+---------+-------+  mysql> select name tablea; +------------+ | name       | +------------+ | cat        | | dog        | | cow        | +------------+  mysql> select nametag tableb; +------------+ | nametag    | +------------+ | wolf       | | dog        | | browncow   | +------------+ 

i trying find method similar not in operation, because cow "in" browncow, want exclude value.

mysql> select name tablea name not in ( select nametag tableb ); +------------+ | name       | +------------+ | cat        | | cow        | +------------+ # looking return "cat" example. 

is there operation can search rows aren't contained in set additional modifiers?

you use anti-join pattern, predicate matching. (the anti-join outer join, return all rows 1 table, along matches table, , predicate exclude rows had match

  select     tablea     join tableb b       on b.nametag concat('%',,'%')    b.nametag null 

(any rows a had matching row b... row b have non-null value. or, put way... rows a didn't have matching row in b have null value columns b.)

if there's row in a has name='cow', , row b has nametag='browncow', rows match.

the row a name='cat' returned if string 'cat' doesn't appear in values of b.nametag.

note: percent , underscore characters wildcards in like predicate. if want matching on characters, you'd need "escape" backslash. there's similar issues using regexp match, lot more possible mischievous characters.

there other query patterns return equivalent result.

for example:

  select     tablea    not exists           ( select 1              tableb b             b.nametag concat('%',,'%')          ) 

personally, prefer anti-join pattern.


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