Passing javascript variables to another php page -

i have select list in using javascript selected values want selected values pass through php file init.php can use variables in mysql query. javascript code follows:

                  $(document).ready(function(){                    var e = document.getelementbyid("product");                   var pro = e.options[e.selectedindex].text;                   alert(pro);                   });                   $('select').change(function(){                    var e = document.getelementbyid("city");                   var cit = e.options[e.selectedindex].text;                   alert(cit); 

i have used ajax send variables init.php. ajax code below not working,can tell whats issue in code:

                       $.ajax({                          url: 'init.php',                          type: 'post',                          data: { x:'cit',y:'pro' },                          success: function(data) {                            console.log(data);                                }                             }); 

and in init.php have written :

<?php $var1 = $_post['y']; $var2 = $_post['x']; $result = "select amount ". _db_prefix_ ."demo_detail product =    '". $var1 ."' , city = '" . $var2 . "' "; //echo json_encode($result); 

can alter url line include / make sure you're referring init.php relative root of directory?

so should this:

$.ajax({    url: '/init.php',    type: 'post',    data: { x:'cit',y:'pro' },    success: function(data) {      console.log(data);         }    }); 

i don't know enough sure there's chance ajax making post request wrong url.


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