mysql - PHP Mysqli request Url after a query is finished -

i trying request url or api in php after fetch query completed unable

as below api follows

2. username default not change
3. password same username
4. sender id same username , password
but every things matter url should wait till php result fetched
5. phone number php fetch result $numstr
6. text of our own 7. priority & smstype of our own not change

$query="select  num euser userid in (select id master          aa='aa' , cc='cc')" ; $data=mysqli_query($mysqli,$query)or die(mysqli_error()); $num = array(); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data)){     if($row['num'] != '' && $row['num'] != null){       $num[] = $row['num'];                               }                               } $numstr = implode(',', $num);   echo $numstr;  mysqli_close($mysqli); 

api user=*******&pass=********&sender=*****&phone=&text=test sms&priority=priority&stype=smstype


$url = "".$usernamesms."sclage&pass=".$password."&sender=".$senderid." id&phone=".$phonenumber."&text=".$text."&priority=".$smstype."&stype=".$priority."";         header("location: $url"); 

to redirect url, providing no 'output' has been sent browser, use header("location: -url- "); replacing -url- required url string.

$url = " user=*******&pass=********&sender=*****&phone=&text=test sms&priority=priority&stype=smstype"; header("location: $url"); exit; 


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