java - Count the correct score -
i given assignment asks questions , calculate total score @ end. here code. tia
scanner userinput = new scanner(; int useranswer; system.out.print("q1.) main character in legend of zelda?\n" + "1.) link\n2.) princess zelda\n3.)super mario" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 1){ system.out.print("that correct! "); } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); } system.out.print("\nq2.) main character in naruto?\n" + "1.) sasuke\n2.) naruto\n3.) sakura" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 2){ system.out.print("that correct! "); } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); } system.out.print("q3.) main character in dragon balls??\n" + "1.) krillin\n2.) bulma\n3.) goku" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 3){ system.out.print("that correct! "); } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); }
the question is, statement should add add total scores?
you need variable hold score , increase each time answer correct :
scanner userinput = new scanner(; int useranswer; int totalscore = 0; system.out.print("q1.) main character in legend of zelda?\n" + "1.) link\n2.) princess zelda\n3.)super mario" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 1){ system.out.print("that correct! "); totalscore = totalscore + 1; // or totalscore++ } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); } system.out.print("\nq2.) main character in naruto?\n" + "1.) sasuke\n2.) naruto\n3.) sakura" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 2){ system.out.print("that correct! "); totalscore = totalscore + 1; // or totalscore++ } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); } system.out.print("q3.) main character in dragon balls??\n" + "1.) krillin\n2.) bulma\n3.) goku" + "\nanswer: "); useranswer = userinput.nextint(); if (useranswer == 3){ system.out.print("that correct! "); totalscore = totalscore + 1; // or totalscore++ } else { system.out.print("i'm sorry wrong."); } system.out.print("your total score " + totalscore);
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