c# - Do I neet Unity of Work and Repository patterns when working with Entity Framework? -

so @ job pointed http://www.codeproject.com/articles/990492/restful-day-sharp-enterprise-level-application#_toc418969121 , told learn these patterns , implement them in solution.

what confused me these things before entity framework 6 , understood, unity of work used optimize database performance grouping queries together. since ef6 has these optimizations, should still implement these layers? layerness helps modularization , switching of data source. mean ef6 complex implement these patterns , should ado.net used directly or that?

edit: i've noticed added layer allows usage of mock data sources. not sure how useful because of need add layer of apstraction

enter image description here

"unit of work used optimize database performance grouping queries together." - not correct. unit of work there collect related operations single transaction committed or rolled whole. tracks changes made objects required database operations can deduced automatically , performed on behalf.

when work entity framework, use create dbcontext model. class both repository , unit of work, don't have special. things become more complicated when project becomes large dbcontext becomes more of burden.


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