WSO2 Identity Server - Error "Invalid Status" at entitlementServiceClient.getDecision -

when using access userid & passsword based entitlement, , use of class "entitlementserviceclient", method "getdecision", program receives error: "invalid status"

is there missing in usage of class:

my statements are:

//initialize authentication admin stub unittest1 remoteentitlementclient = new unittest1(); //login using authentication admin stub providing valid credentials remoteentitlementclient.login(userid, password); //initialize entitlement service stub obtained authentication cookie remoteentitlementclient.initunittest1(); string decision = entitlementserviceclient.getdecision(myrequest); system.out.println("\nxacml decision received : " + decision); 

the authorization process seems works fine , receives valid login confirmation , cookie (see log below).

oc2615188332 entitlement]$ sh ./ jul 17, 2015 8:10:37 pm     org.apache.axiom.util.stax.dialect.staxdialectdetector detectdialect warning: unable determine dialect of stax implementation @    jar:file:/home/claudef/tmp/wso2/entitlement/lib/axiom_1.2.11.wso2v4.jar!/ user admin logged in successfully. idp authorization cookie is: jsessionid=cdeea143eb95a5aabeb07f5a401633b4; path=/; secure=null; httponly=null xacml decision received : invalid status elapsed seconds decimal: 6.937248979 elapsed seconds rounded: 6.937 entitlement flow finished 

thanks in advance support , advice. regards, claude


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