ios - Query class in Parse (swift) -
i have strange issue. following block of code placed in viewdidappear section of first view controller, , when runs, println(latarray), println(longarray), println(addressarray), return no value. in console returns [] 3 arrays. however, when go view controller, , go back, populate data parse. why this? why wont latarray, longarray, , addressarray populate when app loaded first time viewwillappear method?
var query = pfquery(classname: "newlog") // add clause if there search criteria query.wherekey("type", containsstring: newrecordcreated) println(query) query.findobjectsinbackgroundwithblock({ (objects, error) -> void in if error == nil { // results found if let objects = objects as? [pfobject] { object in objects { //println(object["follower"]) latarray.append(object["lat"] as! double) longarray.append(object["long"] as! double) addressarray.append(object["address"] as! string) } } // self.tableview.reloaddata() } else { println("error") // network inaccessible , have no cached data // query. } }) println(latarray) println("^^latitude values") println(longarray) println("^^longitude values") println(addressarray) println("^^address values") }
the query being executed in background. code in block (closure) executed when query finished. note: might , after viewdidappear
finishes. if put print statements after loop, should see values. if uncomment reloaddata
method, table should updated new information when query finishes.
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