python - What is the easiest way to create a file for a project in django? -
i have djangocms + djangocms-blog project (both in 1 project: template_customer
). now, i'd find way of making minimal
script allow me install dependencies needed ( in requirements
folder) along other folders have.
i have atached picture of project structure:
now, i've studied documentation , didn't understand have do. started way:
#this not functional ( gave guys model of how i'd have done import os import sys setuptools import setup, find_packages __author__ = 'myname' __version__ = '1.0' if sys.argv[-1] == 'publish': os.system('python sdist upload') sys.exit() readme = open('').read() requirements = open('dev.txt').readlines() # have accordingly change path test_requirements = [] test_requirements.append('mock<1.1') if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): test_requirements.append('unittest2') setup( name='djangocms-template-installer', version=__version__, description='installer bootstrap djangocms , djangocms blog project', long_description=readme, author=__author__, author_email='', url='', packages=find_packages(), package_dir={'djangocms-template-installer': 'djangocms-template-installer'}, include_package_data=true, install_requires=requirements, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'djangocms = djangocms-template_installer.main:execute' ] }, license='bsd', zip_safe=false, keywords='djangocms-template-installer', classifiers=[ 'framework :: django', 'intended audience :: developers', 'license :: osi approved :: bsd license', 'natural language :: english', ], test_suite='tests', tests_require=test_requirements )
can tell me / explain me have add / substract in order make work ?
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