python - Function that always keep returning new data -

i'm kind of new python , i'm trying run code program, i'm stuck in part need function keep returning new data, here's part of code keep returning zeros!

import time  def forloop():   in range(0,10000):     return  while true:   time.sleep(0.25)   print(forloop()) 

when call forloop() , return i inside it, returns function, , next time call forloop() start beginning. want use generator functions

you can use generator functions (using yield statement) yield values instead of return .

example -

def forloop():   in range(0,10000):     yield  x = forloop() while true:    try :        time.sleep(0.25)        print(next(x))    except stopiteration:        x = forloop() 

next(x) throws stopiteration exception if generator has been exhausted, in case catch exception , recreate generator.


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