layout - Android - Disable onClick highlight for one group in expandable list? -

i have expandablelistview backed implementation of baseexpandablelistadapter. first group in list functions header , not expandable. i've set ischildselectable() return false group , everything's functioning normally. however, when user clicks on non-expandable group, ui still highlights row. confusing , unnecessary visual cue i'd eliminate.

i can't set android:listselector="@android:color/transparent" on expandablelistview itself, because do want other list items highlighted upon click , expansion.

is possible suppress click highlighting first group (only)?

try set individual parent view's onclicklistener null getgroupview().

view getgroupview(int groupposition, boolean isexpanded, view convertview,             viewgroup parent) {     ...     convertview.setonclicklistener(null);     ... } 


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