xml - java - How to check if a Calendar instance was originally a wrong date -

i have calendar instance, parsed xsd datetime via javax.xml.bind.datatypeconverter.parsedatetime method jaxb.

at runtime, i'm in web service, , want know if original xsd datetime valid (month < 12, day < 31, 30, 29, 28 according month ...ect) or not. example: valid date: 2015-07-30t09:32:05.543+02:00 , not: 2015-07-35t09:32:05.543+02:00

i tried use setlenient on instance in web service, doesn't seem raise exception when original date wrong.

is there way it? guess tell jaxb right way in global.jaxb file, here's 1 use right now:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <jaxb:bindings version="2.0" xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb"                xmlns:xjc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"                jaxb:extensionbindingprefixes="xjc">     <jaxb:globalbindings>         <xjc:simple/>         <xjc:serializable uid="-1"/>         <jaxb:javatype name="java.util.calendar" xmltype="xs:datetime"                        parsemethod="javax.xml.bind.datatypeconverter.parsedatetime"                        printmethod="javax.xml.bind.datatypeconverter.printdatetime"/>     </jaxb:globalbindings> </jaxb:bindings> 

any appreciated. thanks.

i solved problem using jodatime's isodatetimeformat#datetimeparser() , custom adapter in custom jaxb bindings file. jodatime better api calendar standard java api, , non lenient default.

i have done same calendar, should have defined formats myself, jodatime defines them already.

here code sample made (it answers other question: check if xsd datetime had defined timezone before conversion java object)

package com.app.adapter; public class mydatetimeadapter extends xmladapter<string, datetime> {     private final static datetimeformatter datetime_formatter = isodatetimeformat.datetime();     private final static pattern timezone_pattern = pattern.compile("(\\+|\\-)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$");     @override     public datetime unmarshal(string string) throws exception {         string = string.trim();             try {              datetime tmp = isodatetimeformat.datetimeparser().parsedatetime(string);              if (string.charat(string.length()-1) == 'z' || timezone_pattern.matcher(string).find()) {                 return new customdatetime(tmp);             }             return new customdatetime(tmp, customdatetime.error.no_timezone);         } catch (illegalargumentexception e) {             return new customdatetime(null, customdatetime.error.invalid);         }     }      @override     public string marshal(customdatetime date) throws exception {         return datetime_formatter.print(date.getdatetime());     } } 

and here's customdatetime (a pojo wraps jodatime's datetime , error code)

package com.app.types; public final class customdatetime {      private datetime datetime;     private error error;      // getter .. setters .. constructor      public static customdatetime getinstance(error error) {         return new customdatetime(datetime.now(), error);     }      public static customdatetime getinstance() {         return getinstance(error.none);     }      public enum error {         none,         no_timezone         invalid;     } } 

and finally, jaxb binding file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema"                xmlns:xjc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc" jaxb:extensionbindingprefixes="xjc" jaxb:version="2.1">     <jaxb:globalbindings>         <xjc:javatype adapter="com.app.adapter.mydatetimeadapter"                       name="com.app.types.customdatetime" xmltype="xs:datetime"/>     </jaxb:globalbindings> </jaxb:bindings> 


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