WPF usercontrol property binding to Inotifypropertychanged, update only when value changed -
i found difference on property binding between usercontrol , normal control.
for example, assuming markup contains following usercontrol:
<myctrl:democontrol level="{binding alarm.alarmlevel}" />
"level" int dependency property created in "control". "alarm" object of type inotifypropertychanged, field alarmlevel.
public bool alarmlevel { { return this._alarmlevel; } set { this._alarmlevel = value; notifypropertychanged("alarmlevel"); } }
inside usercontrol, did following:
levelproperty = dependencyproperty.register("level", typeof(int), typeof(democontrol), new uipropertymetadata(0, islevelchanged));
the strange thing when assign alarmlevel value, if value changes, usercontrol property got updated. while if value remains same, no update. but in both cases, "notifypropertychanged" gets called !
for example, if alarmlevel==1,
alarm.alarmlevel = 2; // "islevelchanged" got called alarm.alarmlevel = 1; // "islevelchanged" not called
i remember normal control, whenever propertychanged called, property gets updated. knows why? many thanks!
there bug in alarmlevel setter. should be:
if (_alarmlevel != value) { this._alarmlevel = value; notifypropertychanged("alarmlevel"); }
you should raise inotifypropertychanged when value changes. when use inotifypropertychanged, change check responsibility. when you dependency properties, wpf framework check you.
that's why code half working :).
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