WebApi ASP.NET Identity Facebook login native -

basically followed answer questions: webapi asp.net identity facebook login

i'm using native ios8 facebook sdk receive fb access token, send api/account/facebooklogin , managed create user, add claims etc. , validate fb token against graph api. cant signin user token produced in facebooklogin method ...

here's code moment:


 // post api/account/facebooklogin     [httppost]     [allowanonymous]     [route("facebooklogin")]     public async task<ihttpactionresult> facebooklogin([frombody] facebookloginmodel model)     {         if (!modelstate.isvalid)         {             return badrequest(modelstate);         }          if (string.isnullorempty(model.token))         {             return badrequest("no access token");         }          var tokenexpirationtimespan = timespan.fromdays(14);         applicationuser user = null;         string username;         // fb access token , make graph call /me endpoint         var fbuser = await verifyfacebookaccesstoken(model.token);         if (fbuser == null)         {             return badrequest("invalid oauth access token");         }          userlogininfo logininfo = new userlogininfo("facebook", model.userid);         user = await usermanager.findasync(logininfo);          // if user not found, register him username.         if (user == null)         {             if (string.isnullorempty(model.username))                 return badrequest("unregistered user");             user = new applicationuser             {                 username = model.username,                 firstname = model.firstname,                 lastname = model.lastname,                 email = model.username,             };              var result = await usermanager.createasync(user);             if (result.succeeded)             {                 result = await usermanager.addloginasync(user.id, logininfo);                 username = model.username;                 if (!result.succeeded)                     return badrequest("cannot add facebook login");             }             else             {                 return badrequest("cannot create user");             }         }         else         {             // existed user.             username = user.username;         }          // common process: facebook claims update, login token generation         user = await usermanager.findbynameasync(username);          // optional: make email address confirmed when user logged in facebook.         user.email = fbuser.email;         user.emailconfirmed = true;         await usermanager.updateasync(user);          // sign-in user using owin flow         //var identity = new claimsidentity(startup.oauthbeareroptions.authenticationtype);          var claims = await usermanager.getclaimsasync(user.id);         var newclaim = new claim("facebookaccesstoken", model.token); // compatibility asp.net mvc accountcontroller         var oldclaim = claims.firstordefault(c => c.type.equals("facebookaccesstoken"));         if (oldclaim == null)         {             var claimresult = await usermanager.addclaimasync(user.id, newclaim);             if (!claimresult.succeeded)                 return badrequest("cannot add claims");         }         else         {             await usermanager.removeclaimasync(user.id, oldclaim);             await usermanager.addclaimasync(user.id, newclaim);         }         claimsidentity oauthidentity = await user.generateuseridentityasync(usermanager,                oauthdefaults.authenticationtype);           var currentutc = new microsoft.owin.infrastructure.systemclock().utcnow;         authenticationproperties properties = applicationoauthprovider.createproperties(user.username);         properties.issuedutc = currentutc;         properties.expiresutc = currentutc.add(tokenexpirationtimespan);         authenticationticket ticket = new authenticationticket(oauthidentity, properties);         var accesstoken = startup.oauthoptions.accesstokenformat.protect(ticket);         request.headers.authorization = new system.net.http.headers.authenticationheadervalue("bearer", accesstoken);         authentication.signin(oauthidentity);          // create response building json object mimics 1 issued default /token endpoint         jobject blob = new jobject(             new jproperty("username", user.username),             new jproperty("userid", user.id),             new jproperty("access_token", accesstoken),             new jproperty("token_type", "bearer"),             new jproperty("expires_in", tokenexpirationtimespan.totalseconds.tostring()),             new jproperty(".issued", ticket.properties.issuedutc.tostring()),             new jproperty(".expires", ticket.properties.expiresutc.tostring()),             new jproperty("facebook.token", model.token)         );         // return ok         return ok(blob);     } 


 public void configureauth(iappbuilder app)     {         // configure db context , user manager use single instance per request         app.createperowincontext(applicationdbcontext.create);         app.createperowincontext<applicationusermanager>(applicationusermanager.create);          // enable application use cookie store information signed in user         // , use cookie temporarily store information user logging in third party login provider         app.usecookieauthentication(new cookieauthenticationoptions());         app.useexternalsignincookie(defaultauthenticationtypes.externalcookie);          // configure application oauth based flow         publicclientid = "self";         oauthoptions = new oauthauthorizationserveroptions         {             tokenendpointpath = new pathstring("/token"),             provider = new applicationoauthprovider(publicclientid),             authorizeendpointpath = new pathstring("/api/account/externallogin"),             accesstokenexpiretimespan = timespan.fromdays(14),             allowinsecurehttp = true         };          oauthbeareroptions = new oauthbearerauthenticationoptions();         oauthbeareroptions.accesstokenformat = oauthoptions.accesstokenformat;         oauthbeareroptions.accesstokenprovider = oauthoptions.accesstokenprovider;         oauthbeareroptions.authenticationmode = oauthoptions.authenticationmode;         oauthbeareroptions.authenticationtype = oauthoptions.authenticationtype;         oauthbeareroptions.description = oauthoptions.description;          oauthbeareroptions.provider = new custombearerauthenticationprovider();         oauthbeareroptions.systemclock = oauthoptions.systemclock;          // enable application use bearer tokens authenticate users         app.useoauthbearertokens(oauthoptions);         app.useoauthbearerauthentication(oauthbeareroptions);         oauthbearerauthenticationextensions.useoauthbearerauthentication(app, oauthbeareroptions);          app.usefacebookauthentication(             appid: "****",             appsecret: "****");     } }  public class custombearerauthenticationprovider : oauthbearerauthenticationprovider {     // validates identity based on issuer of claim.     // issuer set in api endpoint logs user in     public override task validateidentity(oauthvalidateidentitycontext context)     {         var claims = context.ticket.identity.claims;         if( claims.count() == 0 || !claims.any(claim => claim.type == "facebookaccesstoken"))        // if (!claims.any() || claims.any(claim => claim.type != "facebookaccesstoken")) // modify claim name             context.rejected();         return task.fromresult<object>(null);     } } 

use createidentityasync method usermanager class instead of creating claimsidentity yourself.

for instance, in applicationoauthprovider generated class in method grantresourceownercredentials following code:

claimsidentity oauthidentity = await user.generateuseridentityasync(usermanager,                    oauthdefaults.authenticationtype); claimsidentity cookiesidentity = await user.generateuseridentityasync(usermanager, cookieauthenticationdefaults.authenticationtype);  authenticationproperties properties = await createproperties(user); authenticationticket ticket = new authenticationticket(oauthidentity, properties); 


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