serialization - Entry and Serialisation -

my project in form:

class persistant :

@entity public class produit implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = -3352484919001942398l;  @id @generatedvalue private long id; private string module; private string produit;  //getter&&setter 

class dao

public  list<entry<integer, list<produit>>> parproduit(string cat) { ....... hashmap<integer, list<produit>> legaux = new hashmap<integer, list<produit>>(); ........ list<map.entry<integer, list<produit>>> entries = new    arraylist<entry<integer, list<produit>>>(legaux.entryset());  return entries; } 

when execute code error : java.util.hashmap$node 

java.util.hashmap.entryset<k, v> 

is not serializable.


probably returns set of type java.util.hashmap.entryset, may want check that.


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