d3.js - D3js Zooming chart with polylinear axis -

i trying create zoomable chart has polylinear x-axis. works expected if don't have polylinear axis. however, when using polylinear axis panning (and zooming) distorted. if drag chart pan see points , x-axis distortions. example uses default d3js zoom behaviour. suggestions smooth panning/zooming appreciated.

i using transforms position elements because had issues when specifying cx , cy values (especially when adding new data panned or zoomed chart).

here zoom function:

var onzoom = function () {                 if (d3.event.scale == 1) {  //panning                  } else {   //zooming                     // don't scale points , lines                     graph.selectall(".point")                         .attr("r", 10 / d3.event.scale)                         .attr("stroke-width", 1 / d3.event.scale);                 }      graph.selectall(".point")         .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + xmap(d) + "," + ymap(d) + ")scale(" +     d3.event.scale + ")"; });      graph.select(".xaxis.axis").call(xaxis);     graph.select(".yaxis.axis").call(yaxis); }; 

see example: https://jsfiddle.net/deanb/spjn8zl7/

i found out how pan/zoom polylinear axis without distortion.

i figured out while reading accepted answer question: semantic zooming of force directed graph in d3. "the d3 zoom behaviour object modifies scales changing domain. similar effect changing scale range, since important part changing relationship between domain , range.".

i therefore modified zoom behaviour not update x domain , update range in zoom behaviour:

  // update range in zoom event - leave domain     x.range(d3.range(xticks.length)         .map(function (d) { return (d * xrangedelta) * d3.event.scale + d3.event.translate[0]; }))      graph.selectall(".point")         .attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + xmap(d) + "," + ymap(d) + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")"; });      graph.select(".xaxis.axis").call(xaxis);     graph.select(".yaxis.axis").call(yaxis); 

here updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/deanb/hsfsx6b9/1/.


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