xcode - Automating iOS/WatchKit App Store submission - Code signing issue -
i have rather typical ios 8 ios/objc/xcode 6.4 application, includes watchkit extension. have no trouble manually submitting app store using xcode using archive menu option.
we use build server (bamboo shouldn't matter). build server automates builds , distributions through hockeyapp, manually build , upload itunes connect using xcode. automate builds itunes connect, we're same codebase used both hockeyapp , itunes connect (both testflight , app store).
i'm having heck of time getting script working itunes connect, due (i believe) 3 targets need signing (ios app, watchkit extension, , watch app).
i found answer related question, has been helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29605731. suggests putting variables provisioning profile settings 3 targets. works building. question doesn't involve uploading itunes connect, i'm seeing trouble.
so script looks this:
app_profile="[the hex string]" watchkitext_profile="[another hex string]" watchapp_profile="[one more hex string]"
first make xcarchive:
xcodebuild archive -project myproject.xcodeproj -scheme "myscheme" -archivepath myproject.xcarchive app_profile="${app_profile}" watchkitext_profile="${watchkitext_profile}" watchapp_profile="${watchapp_profile}"
which works fine. export archive .ipa:
xcodebuild -exportarchive -archivepath "myproject.xcarchive" -exportpath "mypath" -exportformat ipa app_profile="${app_profile}" watchkitext_profile="${watchkitext_profile}" watchapp_profile="${watchapp_profile}"
which reports success. need send .ipa itunes connect using application loader's command-line tool (here i'm verifying):
altool --validate-app -f "myproject.ipa" -u myusername -p mypassword
which spits set of error messages:
*** error: unable validate archive 'myproject.ipa': ( "error domain=itunesconnectionoperationerrordomain code=1091 \"invalid signature. sealed resource missing or invalid. make sure have signed application distribution certificate, not ad hoc certificate or development certificate. verify code signing settings in xcode correct @ target level (which override values @ project level). additionally, make sure bundle uploading built using release target in xcode, not simulator target. if code signing settings correct, choose \"clean all\" in xcode, delete \"build\" directory in finder, , rebuild release target. more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/security/conceptual/codesigningguide/introduction/introduction.html\" userinfo=0x7fec4be78b80 {nslocalizedrecoverysuggestion=invalid signature. sealed resource missing or invalid. make sure have signed application distribution certificate, not ad hoc certificate or development certificate. verify code signing settings in xcode correct @ target level (which override values @ project level). additionally, make sure bundle uploading built using release target in xcode, not simulator target. if code signing settings correct, choose \"clean all\" in xcode, delete \"build\" directory in finder, , rebuild release target. more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/security/conceptual/codesigningguide/introduction/introduction.html, nslocalizeddescription=invalid signature. sealed resource missing or invalid. make sure have signed application distribution certificate, not ad hoc certificate or development certificate. verify code signing settings in xcode correct @ target level (which override values @ project level). additionally, make sure bundle uploading built using release target in xcode, not simulator target. if code signing settings correct, choose \"clean all\" in xcode, delete \"build\" directory in finder, , rebuild release target. more information, please consult https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/security/conceptual/codesigningguide/introduction/introduction.html, nslocalizedfailurereason=itunes store operation failed.}"
i same error if use application uploader gui.
i'm confident i'm using correct profiles in script, when export archive in xcode these 3 xcode selects (that export validate/submit fine).
i'm @ loss next. , appreciated - thanks!
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