javascript - How to match a document with the value of an object attribute in Mongodb -

i'm trying match document in mongodb:

my document model :

profile: {   languages: [     {"name": "french", "level": 1},     {"name": "english", "level": 2},     {"name": "spanish", "level": 4}   ] } 

what (can) have search result set:

lang = ["french", "english"]; objlang = [   {name: "french"},   {name: "english"} ]; 

what need db.find() documents match @ least 1 of languages, example : = "french" 

or = "english" 

what mean if have french or english in option set, need users have element of languages array name match 1 of options, no matter level of languages.

so, unless i'm wrong, can't

db.find({"profile.languages": {$in: [{name: "french"}, {name: "english"}]}); 

how proceed ?

thanks lot.


actually, right:

db.collection.find({"":{$in: ["french","english"]} }) 

since profile.languages array of subdocuments, can call in 1 of subdocument's keys , subsequent query gets mapped subdocuments containing key.

however, without proper indexing, added .explain() shows pretty ugly:

{   "queryplanner" : {     "plannerversion" : 1,     "namespace" : "test.languages",     "indexfilterset" : false,     "parsedquery" : {         "" : {             "$in" : [                 "english",                 "french"             ]         }     },     "winningplan" : {         "stage" : "collscan",         "filter" : {             "" : {                 "$in" : [                     "english",                     "french"                 ]             }         },         "direction" : "forward"     },     "rejectedplans" : [ ]   } } 

(serverinfowas ommited).

so in order make query efficient, need create index on field want query:


an added explain tells matching documents identified via index:

{ "queryplanner" : {     "plannerversion" : 1,     "namespace" : "test.languages",     "indexfilterset" : false,     "parsedquery" : {         "" : {             "$in" : [                 "english",                 "french"             ]         }     },     "winningplan" : {         "stage" : "fetch",         "inputstage" : {             "stage" : "ixscan",             "keypattern" : {                 "" : 1             },             "indexname" : "profile.languages.name_1",             "ismultikey" : true,             "direction" : "forward",             "indexbounds" : {                 "" : [                     "[\"english\", \"english\"]",                     "[\"french\", \"french\"]"                 ]             }         }     },     "rejectedplans" : [ ]   },   "ok" : 1 } 


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