javascript - How to combine two $(document).ready callbacks with jQuery? -

is possible combine these 2 javascript $(document).ready functions together? if so, how?

code 1:

$(document).ready(function() {     $('#example').datatable( {         "scrolly": 280,         "scrollx": true,         "pagingtype": "simple",         dom: 't<"clear">lfrtip',         tabletools: {             "sswfpath": ""         }     }); }); 

code 2:

$(document).ready(function() {     var table = $('#example').datatable();     var tt = new $.fn.datatable.tabletools( table );     $( tt.fncontainer() ).insertbefore('div.datatables_wrapper'); }); 

i assume asking if can move code inside second ready() first, call ready() 1 time? yes, , this.

$(document).ready(function() {     $('#example').datatable( {          "scrolly": 280,         "scrollx": true,         "pagingtype": "simple",         dom: 't<"clear">lfrtip',         tabletools: {             "sswfpath": ""          }      });      var table = $('#example').datatable();     var tt = new $.fn.datatable.tabletools( table );      $( tt.fncontainer() ).insertbefore('div.datatables_wrapper');     } ); 


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