Regex: How to parse images not only the <img> tags -

for last whole week have been busting head find regular expression parse images in html source file. know there many out there parse tags. tricky part images in javascript , have weird long formats such :;media=;description=binx walton , josephine le tutour vera wang fw15 

i have tried negative heads , booleans not find solution. please give me perspective.

well said there many ways , honest there not regex solution parse html files out there.. have tried in past well. me below worked best :


a bit of explanation:

/......(.jpg|.png) starts first slash finds until finds image ext . char between slash , ext (?:.(?!http|\,))+ omit if there http or , in (works charm example link have given

hope helps, regex complex world. can write same exp in many different ways. may there better solution suggest.


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