Main Javascript dont process in template loaded with directive in AngularJs -

i'm trying javascript function:

$(".panel-header .panel-toggle").click(function (event) {     event.preventdefault();     $(this).toggleclass("closed").parents(".panel:first").find(".panel-content").slidetoggle(); }); 

to work on html i've loaded through directive

.directive('ngaddslide', function() {     return {         restrict:'e',         scope: {'val': '@'},         templateurl:'template/portlet.html',     } }); 

and compile in controler

var html = "<ngaddslide></ngaddslide>"; var target = $('#element'); target.append(html); html = $compile($('#element'))($scope) 

the problem is, tho javascript works in original dom , template loads in page, js not apply new html.

is there way make javascript apply added html?



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