javascript - select2 overwrites e.preventDefault() -

i've wrote script uses bunch of data , building grid able move through arrowkeys , tab.

while testing in seperate file works fine. after adding website script works pretty in chrome, opera, safari , ie. in firefox focus jumps out of grid , went adressbar. using same data in testfile, there no error this.

what reason why not work in firefox? got no errors in firebug.

its file more 2500 part navigation tab starts:

    $(document).keydown(function (e) {                 switch (e.keycode) {                     case 9:                         if (editing == true) {                             e.preventdefault();                             var direction = "right";                             if (e.shiftkey) {                                 direction = "left";                             }                             root.gridsave();                             root.movemark(direction);                             var checker = true;                             var c = 0;                             while (checker) {                                 if (!clicktarget) {                                     if (newline == true) {                                         root.marknewlinefirstcell();                                         root.scrollvert();                                     } else {                                         root.movemark("right");                                     }                                 }                                 if (!clicktarget.hasclass("editable")) {                                     root.movemark(direction);                                     if (c > root.captions.length) {                                         checker = false;                                     }                                     c++;                                 } else {                                     editmode = false;                                     root.edit(clicktarget);                                     root.setfocus(clicktarget);                                     checker = false;                                 }                             }                         } else {                             e.preventdefault();                             if (editmode == true) {                                 direction = "right";                                 if (e.shiftkey) {                                     direction = "left";                                 }                                 root.movemark(direction);                                 root.scrollvert();                             }                         }                         break; } }); 


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