excel - How to pull out data using power query from 1 cell (link pasted in cell A1) from sheet 1 to Sheet 2? -

i have link of website want pull out data through power query. every time, link changed per need. need use power query every time. there way build power query shows i'll change link , data refreshed? possible paste link in cell a1 of sheet 1 , fetch data sheet 2? please guide me.enter image description here

click on cell url, open menu power query > excel data > table (uncheck "my table has headers")

in power query editor, right click on url cell of table , "drill down" text value.

now need manual m code transformation treat variable datasource. go view > show formula bar, click fx button add custom step. add datasource call, e.g. web pages:

= web.page(web.contents(column1)) 

you might need answer questions data privacy (after all, you're copying variable excel workbook , sending internet!).

you can edit link in sheet 1, , when refresh query you'll see sheet 2 changed.


your full query should like:

let     source = excel.currentworkbook(){[name="table5"]}[content],     #"changed type" = table.transformcolumntypes(source,{{"column1", type text}}),     column1 = #"changed type"{0}[column1],     custom1 = web.page(web.contents(column1)) in     custom1 


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