Do not submit same data twice php -

how check in php if exact same data has not been sent?

this prohibit users (accidently) sending contact form twice same data on website!.


you can example serialize form data , store in session variable. upon receiving form data, first check if same data present in session. can add random number form hidden input field stored in $_session["rand"]. upon first submit, random number checked equality , removed (or changed) in session array. way, single form can used once, upon second submit, number different , not accepted anymore.

when generating form:

$_session["rand"] = rand(); 

and add in form:

<input type='hidden' name='rand' value='{$_session["rand"]}' /> 

upon receiving, check:

if ( $_session["rand"] === $_post["rand"]) {     $_session["rand"] = false;     // continue stuff... 

of course, layout, single user can open single form @ same time, since opening second form overwrite random number. better approach create individual session key , value combination each form, 2 forms not overwrite each other.


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