NameError and ValueError in Python -
why python shell throwing nameerror windows console valueerror?
def printargs(*arg): list = ['1','2'] in arg: try: print(list[int(i)]) except valueerror: print('please enter integer value') except nameerror: print('name error') if __name__ == '__main__': printargs(*sys.argv[1:])
providing following arguments windows console gives output:
here how call code in windows console:
c:\>c:\python34\python c:\users\user\documents\pytest\ 0 1 please enter integer value
providing following arguments python shell not display cusom error nameerror mentioned in code above, mentions following error:
printargs(0,a) traceback (most recent call last): file "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module> printargs(0,a) nameerror: name 'a' not defined
in code example you've provided define list i, iterate on collection called list never initiated, , assign values in list i, dropping original value. guess provided part of code, please provide minimum working example.
if try reproduce problem, type error, iterating on list not initialized.
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