Full outer join is resulting in Cartesian product when counting records in Cognos -
am doing full outer join on 2 tables , b on column "id" in cognos report studio. both tables have multiple records id column. requirement have count number of records each table , show on graph. when count records, multiplying records , resulting in cartesian product.
a.id ---- b.id 1 ------ 1 2 ------ 2 2 ------ 2 3 ------ 4 4 ------ 5 5 ------ 6
when count get:
a.id ---- b.id ---- count(a.id)---- count(b.id) 1 ---- 1 ---- 1 ---- 1 2 ---- 2 ---- 4 ---- 4 (am expecting 2 these kind of records) 3 ---- null ---- 1 ---- null 4 ---- 4 ---- 1---- 1 5 ---- 5 ---- 1 ---- 1 null ---- 6 ---- null ---- 1
i need present total number of records table , table b in graph. since resulting in cross product, graph values not giving correct results.can 1 suggest how avoid cartesian product 2nd record? please suggest if possible or not?
if have display count separately use union of 2 tables , count id separately.
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