MongoDB - Get id of the maximum value in a group by query -
i have collection documents below. "_id" or entire document of maximum revision in each group grouped "name".
{ "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3793"), "name" : "abc", "revision" : 1 } { "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3794"), "name" : "abc", "revision" : 2 } { "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3795"), "name" : "def", "revision" : 1 } { "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3796"), "name" : "def", "revision" : 2 }
in case, i'd select 2nd , 4th documents. tried various approach including aggregation framework couldn't purely in mongodb query.
is there solution this?
thank you.
try following aggregation pipeline first sorts documents revision field descending , $group
name field, add field gets full document using $first
operator on $$root
system variable expression:
db.collection.aggregate([ { "$sort": { "revision": -1 } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$name", "max_revision": { "$max": "$revision" }, "doc": { "$first": "$$root" } } } ])
/* 0 */ { "result" : [ { "_id" : "def", "max_revision" : 2, "doc" : { "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3796"), "name" : "def", "revision" : 2 } }, { "_id" : "abc", "max_revision" : 2, "doc" : { "_id" : objectid("55aa088a58f2a8f2bd2a3794"), "name" : "abc", "revision" : 2 } } ], "ok" : 1 }
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