Testing ios facebook hosted app links before release on app store -
my iphone app has mobile content. using facebook app link hosts (https://graph.facebook.com/app/app_link_hosts) create canonical urls shared on facebook. body hosting request is:
"access_token=<app_access_token> &ios=[ {\"url\":\"content://content/<content_id>\", \"app_store_id\":<app_store_id>, \"app_name\":\"<app_name>\"} ] &name=link test &web={should_fallback:false}"
this works fine , returns id object. test have shared:
since app not released yet, whenever open link facebook app not detect app installed. gives 2 action options, "open web link" , "install app_name". both options point blank itunes link app be. how test app link before publishing app on app store?
this link returned:
after sweating out, have found solution. url scheme should defined in plist file. in case "content" without ://
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