powershell - Automating the creation of Homedrive of a newly created AD user -
i have made script create homefolder(by name of samaccountname) newly created ad user.
$adserver = 'xyz1' import-module activedirectory $searchbase = "ou=xyz2,ou=xyz3,dc=xyz4,dc=xyz5" $adusers = get-aduser -filter {name -eq "xyz6"} -server $adserver -searchbase $searchbase -properties * new-item -itemtype directory -path "xyz7\$($adusers.samaccountname)"
everything automated except fact have feed in name of user (ad account name) make search particular user. want change process. want make automated thru scheduled run.
now, want query eventlog , search eventid = 4720
(ie "a new user created") , trap samaccountname
of newly created user (under attributes [i have checked]) , pass in current script... if run overall script scheduled run, detect new user creation , automatically make homefolder.
$a = (get-eventlog system | where-object {$_.eventid -eq 514}).message
should allow information want. can split result parese out sam name.
"514" example - you'll need replace ever eventid want track.
linky has more info on how use get-eventlog filter results
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