github - Git branch inaccessible -


also, because branches have same name, how can delete current 1 on (the wrong one)? if checkout master won't know branch correct.

edit edit

i have run

git branch --verbose

master             99b97d2 prep test migrate_to_rpsec   d91fd47 start model tests * migrate_to_rspec   99b97d2 prep test 

how can delete/switch upstream number? want 2nd item on list.

i created separate branch named migrate_to_rspec. worked , committed branch

git add .

git commit -m 'finish model tests'

git branch

  • master
  • migrate_to_rspec

then moved master

git checkout master

then tried merge last branch

git merge migrate_to_rspec

and got merge: migrate_to_rspec - not can merge

so checked branch again

git branch

  • master

  • migrate_to_rspec

and couldn't other branch

git checkout migrate_to_rspec

and got: error: pathspec 'migrate_to_rspec' did not match file(s) known git.

so ran (stupidly) git checkout -b migrate_to_rspec

so have:

  • master

  • migrate_to_rpsec

  • migrate_to_rspec

how can got original branch? , how there 2 of them same name 1 can't access , 1 can?

the low-level command show full spelling of is

git for-each-ref 

and can tell git delete whichever ref looks wrong

git update-ref -d $thatfullspelling 

. . .

but in case, noticed problem:

migrate_to_rpsec migrate_to_rspec 

. . .


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