oauth 2.0 - OAUth2 ASP.NET invalid_grant -

i trying implement oauth2 web application though signing in application works, refresh tokens result in http 400 "invalid_grant". specifically, project asp.net webapi owin oauth provider. has been killing me days without luck appreciated :)

have correctly set oauthauthorizationserveroptions.refreshtokenprovider?

if need sample, katana's sandbox project contains minimal implementation showing how can configure protect , serialize refresh tokens using data protection block (machine keys on iis): https://github.com/jchannon/katanaproject/blob/master/tests/katana.sandbox.webserver/startup.cs#l169-l173

app.useoauthauthorizationserver(new oauthauthorizationserveroptions  {     refreshtokenprovider = new authenticationtokenprovider {         oncreate = createrefreshtoken,         onreceive = receiverefreshtoken,     } });  private void createrefreshtoken(authenticationtokencreatecontext context) {     context.settoken(context.serializeticket()); }  private void receiverefreshtoken(authenticationtokenreceivecontext context) {     context.deserializeticket(context.token); } 

if still doesn't work, try enabling tracing determine root cause of invalid_grant error: http://katanaproject.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=debugging&referringtitle=documentation


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