excel vba - Converting Dos Text Files to Unix in VBA fails -

i've followed suggestion in prior question , grabbed code don't useable file out of it. i've looked @ , don't see problem.

    public enum converttype dos2unix = 0 unix2dos = 1     end enum      public function convertfile(originalfile string, newfile string, econverttype converttype, _                         optional deleteoriginal boolean = false)  dim openfilenum, savefilenum integer dim newfilebuffer string   ' function open file , convert ' txt file format usable under *nix or dos on error goto error_found  openfilenum = freefile ' grab first free file open originalfile input #openfilenum ' open unix file     savefilenum = freefile ' free file write     open newfile binary #savefilenum ' open/create save file         while not eof(openfilenum)             line input #openfilenum, newfilebuffer ' retrive text (if unix file, entire text on 1 line)             if econverttype = dos2unix ' check type of conversion                 newfilebuffer = newfilebuffer & chr(10)             else                 newfilebuffer = replace(newfilebuffer, chr(10), vbcrlf)             end if             put #savefilenum, , newfilebuffer ' write out file         loop     close #savefilenum close #openfilenum  if deleteoriginal = true kill originalfile      exit_sub:     exit function 

try this:

option explicit  sub testconversion()     convertfile "c:\test.txt" end sub  public sub convertfile(byval filename string)     const dos2unix = 1     dim fs object, txt string     set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")      txt = fs.opentextfile(filename, 1).readall  'forreading = 1     txt = iif(dos2unix = 1, replace(txt, vbcrlf, vblf), replace(txt, vblf, vbcrlf))     fs.opentextfile(filename, 2).write txt      'forwriting = 2 end sub 


  • in notepad (windows) lines appear on 1 continuous line
  • all carriagereturn–linefeed combinations replaced linefeed characters


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