php - Slim framework with raintpl -

i have existing project uses raintpl3 template engine. trying port slim framework 2.
q1 : there way make slim use $tpl object render views (via di or other similar approach).

i have managed hack way configure create template object within external function should return content slim should echo. earlier not configure tpl configured in init file. when use $tpl->draw('index'); saying template index not found. q2: why can't find template ?

: my_app_root_/public/index.php

require_once "../init.php";  # fire app $app = new slim\slim();  $app->get('/', function(){echo myns\router\apidefault::showhome();});  $app->get('/hello', function() {     echo "get route working."; }); # run slim application $app->run(); 

: my_app_root_/routes/apidefault.php

<?php namespace myns\router;    class apidefault {      private function __construct( $argument)     {         throw new \exception("error constructor not allowed", 1);      }       public static function showhome()     {          $tpl = new \rain\tpl();           $tpl->assign('name','abhinav');         $a = $tpl->draw('index',$return_string = true);         return $a;     } } 

index.tpl stored in my_app_root_/templates/ .

  1. you make own view script wraps template engine. slim did twig , smarty here (only slim 2).

  2. it looks never set directory search templates, wrong? if go own view plugin take param in constructor or something.


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