ios - Apple Mach-O Linker Error - linker command failed with exit code 1 -

i have error in xcode. have done said in other questions same , have checked .m , .mm have removed file similar each other , still not working.

it's making me crazy please me.

i have added asset game in unity ( ios native ) , after error appear when want test on phone. 2 days i'm searching solution work.

ld: warning: directory not found option '-l/volumes/phoenix/flight drift - test  21/librariesplugins/ios'  ld: warning: directory not found option '-f/volumes/phoenix/flight drift - test  21/frameworksplugins/ios'  ld: library not found -lonesignal  clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) 

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

i have updated screenshots

looking @ images have uploaded:

  1. remove inverted commas ("") around $(srcroot)/libraries in 'library search paths'
  2. remove inverted commas around $(srcroot)/unityads in 'header search paths'
  3. cannot 'framework search paths' have uploaded image that. (or uploaded wrong image mistake).

is there space between "libraries plugins" , "frameworks plugins" folders? if yes paths inside 'library search paths' , 'framework search paths' not not having space.




$(srcroot)/libraries\ plugins/ios 

in 'library search paths' (just added space after '\')

and replace:



$(project_dir)/frameworks\ plugins/ios 

in 'framework search paths' (just added space after '\')


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