Android strange behavior with android:top & android:right in defined shape -

i have shape :

<item>     <shape xmlns:android=""         android:shape="rectangle">         <solid android:color="#000000"></solid>     </shape> </item>  <item     android:top="12dp"     android:bottom="12dp">     <shape xmlns:android=""         android:shape="rectangle">         <corners android:radius="15dp"></corners>         <solid android:color="#000000"></solid>         <stroke             android:width="5dp"             android:color="#ffffff"></stroke>          <padding             android:bottom="12dp"             android:left="12dp"             android:right="12dp"             android:top="12dp" />     </shape> </item> 

which looks ok :

enter image description here

but when add android:right looks strange :

enter image description here

and when add options(top,left,right,bottom) :

enter image description here

final code :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layer-list xmlns:android="">      <item>         <shape xmlns:android=""             android:shape="rectangle">             <solid android:color="#000000"></solid>         </shape>     </item>      <item         android:top="12dp"         android:bottom="12dp"         android:right="2dp"         android:left="2dp">         <shape xmlns:android=""             android:shape="rectangle">             <corners android:radius="15dp"></corners>             <solid android:color="#000000"></solid>             <stroke                 android:width="5dp"                 android:color="#ffffff"></stroke>              <padding                 android:bottom="12dp"                 android:left="12dp"                 android:right="12dp"                 android:top="12dp" />         </shape>     </item>  </layer-list> 

what's doing wrong?


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